About Us
A.U. Thakurdesai & Co. is a firm of Practicing Company Secretaries, currently operating from Mumbai. It is registered with the Institute of Company Secretaries of India, New Delhi.

The motive of the firm is to provide specialized consultancy services to the corporate world and banks in the matter of Companies Act as well as various other corporate laws and to assist in solving the complexities of Company law and company secretarial practice promptly and correctly and with an attention to detail and personal services.

We provide company secretarial services to both private companies and public, listed and unlisted companies. We are acknowledged experts in all areas of company secretarial practice and company law with a broad client base of exceptional depth and quality. Many firm of accountants and solicitors use our services to ensure that best advice and assistance on company secretarial matters is available to their clients.

We offer services in a wide range of sectors, primarily advising board members of their responsibilities and implementing board decisions. We offer secretarial services to relieve busy directors and their administrative staff from the pressure of accuracy and compliance requirements.

We are committed to uphold the highest standard of integrity, honesty and secrecy in all our dealings and lay emphasis on transparency, accountability and professionalism, with a single and paramount mission of Clients satisfaction by timely providing quality professional services.

The proprietor of the firm is Ms. Aarti Thakurdesai.
The profile of CS Aarti Thakurdesai is as under:
  • Commerce Graduate, with a degree in Law and a Fellow member (FCS) of the Institute of Company Secretaries of India.
  • Special Achievements:
    • 3rd in Merit Gujarat University in B.Com examination.
    • 2nd in Merit in Bombay University in LL.B. examination.
    • 2nd in Merit all over India in Intermediate Company Secretaries Examination.
    • Recipient of V. F. Taraporewala Golden Jubilee Memorial Prize in the LL.B. Examination.
    • Recipient of Scholarship from the ICSI, New Delhi.
  • Senior level experience in medium sized companies. In practice/consultancy for more than twenty-five years.
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